Real World Data Horizon Scans

Issued quarterly, Digital Aurora’s Real World Data Horizon Scans are designed to inform the development and realization real world data strategies within the biopharmaceutical industry. The scans cover a range of topics including new commercial data sources and networks, analytic platforms, industry initiatives and partnerships, regulatory developments, and more. The range of use cases covered span RWD applications across drug discovery, clinical develop, medical, and market access. The four quarterly reports are available via subscription.

Real World Data Landscape Assessments

Designed to provide the data strategist with an understanding of the current landscape of real world data sources, use cases, and related capabilities for the key Therapeutic Areas within the industry’s development pipeline. For 2025, landscape assessments include Neuroscience, Oncology/Hematology, Autoimmune/Immunology, Rheumatology, and Cardiovascular therapeutic areas as well as a special report on RWD for trending indications for CAR-T therapies. Each report is updated annually and is available for individual purchase or via our Data Ecosystem Research Series subscription.

Health Equity / SoDH Data Strategy Paper

Issued biennially, the Health Equity SoDH Data Strategy Paper is a special topic landscape assessment covering data sources, methodologies, and technology capabilities required to enable biopharmaceutical R&D and commercial Health Equity programs. The paper covers mainstream and emerging use cases and explores novel applications of SDoH to improve patient access and outcomes. This report is available for purchase or via our Leadership Series Subscription.

Design and Governance of Real World Research Networks

Digital Aurora’s® Playbook for planning a real world data research network for evidence and insight generation is delivered as an online workshop. The Playbook is intended for organizations interested in understanding their design options and the activities required to go from ideation to network launch.

Contact us for more details on how to subscribe to our research series or to purchase a report.